Inclusion &
Diversity Consulting

A well-performing team is the number one success factor for any business.
Make diversity real.

  • You’re unhappy about the progress of your inclusion & diversity performance indicators
  • Your role is to drive inclusion and diversity, but you don't get the necessary support from senior management
  • Peole in your organization want to achieve diversity goals but do not recognize the real change needed for this to happen
  • You want to increase the representation of a specific, underrepresented group, but your efforts so far don’t seem to work.
  • Increasing satisfaction with your inclusion & diversity performance indicators
  • Getting the necessary buy-in from the whole organization, so you can drive inclusion & diversity
  • Making real and sustainable changes
  • Increasing  the representation of a specific underrepresented group. 

We know how to get people to talk openly about their experiences and how to help people really listen. We actively listen to the needs of underrepresented groups and know what programmes, products and organizations need to look like to be truly inclusive.

discover the root causes
Often companies are not aware of why they are not progressing in areas of inclusion & diversity. This is because many people do not dare to speak openly about experiences of discrimination within the company. As impartial outsiders, we are able to build trust for these conversations, listening to, collecting and analysing these experiences, and passing them anonymously. Through interviews and surveys, our findings reveal the actual situation, uncovering the fundamental problems that need to be addressed in order to truly embody an inclusive culture.
undeRstand your target group
Many organizations set specific goals to increase the representation of a particular underrepresented group in their educational programmes, as users, as customers or in their leadership ranks. One common reason these efforts fail is that the needs and interests of the target group are not fully understood, and thus, not served. We analyse initiatives, concepts, programmes, products and services to identify the needs of the target group and make concrete suggestions on how the concept, programme, product or service can be adapted to reach the desired target group.
Stay in touch and learn more
about our approach to Inclusion & Diversity
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